Year List

YEARLIST 83 Rufous Hummingbird

Friday, January 3, 2014

A Summary

Big Years are undertaken in many ways. State big years, ABA big years, and in this case, a county Big Year*. I'll be busy with sports and school and such but I'll do my best.

Gwinnett County is one of the most populated counties in Georgia and  the pop. is growing. Because of this there is no wild part of Gwinnett County. Fortunately; there are many parks. The habitat is pretty average Suburban neighborhoods, neighborhood lakes, some wetlands, and fragmented bits of forest. It has just enough open habitat to support very localized populations of grassland species. (meadowlarks and Blue Grosbeaks for example) The NE line of the Gwinnett borders Lake Lanier, which is great for gulls and loons.
I want to see a ton of species, but I want to be realistic. In 2013 I saw 155 species. This year, I'm shooting for at least 155, I think I'll get 165 and I'm dreaming of 175. {predicted number of species: 164}

This blog will sort of be a log of my Big Year.

*Could be considered a Junior Big Year because of my age.