Year List

YEARLIST 83 Rufous Hummingbird

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Couple of New Birds

Feeling board on a damp and dismal rainy Sunday afternoon. I decided that I wanted some Year-birds. So I got my bike and headed out. I rode around my neighborhood for 2 hours. I went 5.3 miles and saw 52 species.

New yearbirds included American Black Duck, Pine Siskin, Purple Finch, and Ring-billed Gull.

So, as my yearlist sits at a worthy 67, I'll consider the birds I've seen. Seeing as baseball starts in a couple weeks, I'm trying to see every possible bird before then. Of the 67, only 2 are birds that I might not see again. Purple Finch and American Black Duck.

Brown Creeper is a nice bird to have as well. I'm aiming for 80 by the end of January. February will probably be a very boring and un-enjoyable month.


  1. John,

    Thanks. To get the bird list on the right, you go to the overview of the blog, click on "layout", and add a gadget in the place you want your list to be. You can choose "list" when you click on "add a gadget."

    Good luck on your Big Year!


  2. Now can I ask you a question? ;)

    How did you get that bird of the month thing on top of your archive?

